How to Prepare for a Breast Augmentation

How to Prepare for a Breast Augmentation

Planning on getting breast augmentation surgery? Below are some tips to help prepare your mind and body for the procedure and put you at ease.

What to Do Before Breast Augmentation Surgery

What to Do Before Breast Augmentation Surgery

After your surgery, you will not be able to stay alone for the first day and you will be restricted from driving. Make arrangements for someone to drive you home and stay with you.

It will take you several days to get back to feeling like yourself after breast augmentation surgery. It is a good idea to get things done before your surgery so when you come home you can just relax and recuperate:

  • Empty your laundry hamper: You will not want to do laundry when you get home, so be sure you are all caught up.
  • Prepare meals in advance: Buy your groceries and fill your freezer with homemade meals you can just heat up and eat.
  • Care for your pets: If you have large dogs, you may want to get someone to walk them for a few days while you are recovering from surgery.
  • Clean house: You will not feel like bending and stretching for a while, and no one likes to recover in a dirty house.
  • Fill your prescriptions: You will not want to go to the pharmacy after surgery, so get the prescriptions filled early so you have what you need when you get home.

Breast Augmentation Preparation List

Breast Augmentation Preparation List

You will be given pre-operative instructions for preparing for breast surgery. Like any surgery, breast augmentation procedures will take some time to recover from, and everyone’s recovery is different. Preparing your home, body, and mind for the surgery will reduce your stress and speed your recovery.

Here is a pre-breast augmentation checklist for the day of your surgery:

Four Weeks Before Surgery

One of the first steps to prepare for breast augmentation surgery is to complete your pre-surgery labs or testing if ordered. Bloodwork can help ensure you are in proper health and an ideal candidate for breast augmentation surgery. Prior to surgery, bloodwork can ensure that electrolytes, hemoglobin, and other factors are at adequate levels. Additionally, you will need to stop smoking for at least four weeks leading up to your breast augmentation surgery.

As you prepare for your upcoming surgery, you will need to determine travel arrangements, as you will not be able to drive following surgery. Many patients choose to have a friend or family member drive them after surgery. It is generally recommended that you have someone stay with you for at least 24 hours following surgery. You may need to also make arrangements for child or pet care as you recover.

Two Weeks Before Surgery

If your bloodwork was ordered and comes back within normal ranges, you will begin planning and making lifestyle changes two weeks before your surgery. You will need to stop any alcohol use. You will also need to stop taking any blood-thinning medications, including aspirin and ibuprofen, or any medication a part of the NSAID family, at least 10 days before surgery.

Certain herbal supplements may also negatively impact anesthesia. You should speak with your physician about any medication or supplements you take on a regular basis. At this time, you will also want to start planning for your recovery period. With excess downtime after surgery, you may want to buy comfortable clothing and prepare some movies or other entertainment to enjoy as you heal.

One Week Before Surgery

One week before your surgery, you can begin preparing meals for after your surgery. Proper nutrition is essential to a quick recovery. Some patients choose to have a friend or family member stay with them to help with meals and daily activities as they heal. On the other hand, some patients may freeze meals ahead of time and purchase simple snacks to eat during their recovery period.

Day Before Surgery

The day and night before your surgery, it is important to remove any nail polish you may be wearing. You will also need to stop eating anything for at least eight hours before your surgery. To be safe, most physicians recommend not eating anything after midnight the night before your breast augmentation surgery. Dr. Brought may advise you drink a hydrating sports drink such as Gatorade up until 3 hours prior to surgery on the day of the procedure. This has been shown to help with recovery after anesthesia. You will also want to remove any jewelry, makeup, or contact lenses before surgery.

Day of Surgery

On the day of your surgery, you will want to wear comfortable, easily removable clothing. A shirt or sweater that zips up in the front is generally your best bet. Following your breast augmentation surgery, you will receive thorough post-operative care instructions. It is important to follow all physician recommendations and instructions to ensure proper healing.

Questions? Contact Dr. Brought of SPRSI in Franklin, TN today!

Posted on July 31, 2017 by blogSPRSI | Posted in: Plastic Surgery

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