How Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Work?

How Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Work?

How Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Work?

From breast augmentations to rhinoplasties, various types of plastic surgery procedures exist. Recently, Brazilian butt lifts, or safe subcutaneous buttock augmentations, have become popular for patients who want to increase the size of their buttocks. If you’re interested in having the procedure done, keep reading to learn more about how the process works and whether you’re a strong candidate.

How the Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure Works

A Brazilian butt lift (BBL) is a procedure where excess fat is taken from another part of the body (hips, abdomen, lower back, thighs) using liposuction. Then, the fat is strategically injected into the butt to firm and enlarge its appearance. Ultimately, the entire process is straightforward:

  1. Anesthesia: Brazilian butt lifts are typically performed under anesthesia. If a smaller procedure is being performed, numbing medications will be used rather than anesthesia.
  2. Liposuction: After you’re put to sleep, the liposuction process will begin, which consists of making small incisions in the skin and removing the excess fat.
  3. Purification: Once the fat is removed from the body, it’s purified and made ready to be injected into the butt.
  4. Injection: A surgeon will make multiple small incisions to insert the fat into the buttocks. Multiple incisions are made so that the fat can be inserted to create a full and well-rounded look.
  5. Stitches: Once the fat transfer is complete, the surgeon will suture the incisions and apply a compression garment to the appropriate areas to help minimize bleeding and control swelling.

A Brazilian butt lift (BBL) is a procedure where excess fat is taken from another part of the body (hips, abdomen, lower back, thighs) using liposuction.

How Long Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Last?

If the procedure and recovery are done properly, the effects of a Brazilian butt lift can last for several years. A BBL is considered a semi-permanent procedure because the nature of the fat is considered semi-permanent. Over time, your butt will change in response to your body’s normal aging process.

The real answer to how long your BBL will last is up to you. Those who take care of their bodies might see better results in the long run. There are some steps you can take to ensure your Brazilian butt lift’s effects last as long as possible:

  • Follow the doctor’s orders: Keep in mind that your surgeon is an educated, licensed professional. As they give you notes on how to prepare and recover from the surgery, you should follow them closely. Doing so will help ensure your BBL is what you imagined.
  • Avoid certain activities: For about four weeks after the surgery, you should avoid sitting for too long. Then, you may have to spend a few weeks with a gradual increase sitting on certain cushions and chairs to avoid hurting or negatively affecting your new butt.
  • Maintain a proper diet: Be wary of what you eat. An unhealthy diet can throw off your body, but eating healthy fats can speed up your body’s recovery process and help fat cells stay alive.
  • Exercise: Exercising regularly can help your BBL stay looking great.
  • Don’t smoke: Because smoking cigarettes can inhibit the nutrients in your body, it could take much longer for your body to heal and fat cells may have a lower chance of survival.

A Brazilian butt lift can last for several years, but you also have to be willing to take the necessary steps to ensure you get the most out of your procedure.

5 Benefits of a Brazilian Butt Lift

While some people choose to have Brazilian butt lifts done due to personal preference, you can actually benefit from a BBL in a few ways:

  • It can be better/look better than the alternatives: Unlike silicone implants, Brazilian butt lifts give off a more natural look and ensure you can avoid some of the issues that come with implants.
  • It can resolve cosmetic changes: As you get older, your skin — and your body in general — start to change. Some people will experience loss of shape or sagging over time. Having a Brazilian butt lift performed can help return the shape to your butt.
  • It can help with figure imbalances: Some people have figures that are a little different than what’s considered “normal” or “average,” which can be a problem when it comes to shopping for clothes. With a Brazilian butt lift, you can create a new figure for yourself, which could make fitting into clothes easier.
  • It comes with a lower chance of infection: In procedures done with silicone, the silicone and the other elements that go inside of your body raise your risk of infection, as your body can “flag” them as foreign substances. With a Brazilian butt lift, you’re not injecting anything new into your body — it’s just fat taken from one area of your body being injected into a new area.
  • It can enhance your overall proportions: A BBL procedure removes fat from one place to insert it into your buttocks. This gives you the opportunity to create a more proportional look for your body.

While a BBL comes with its own set of risks, just as any surgical procedure does, you may find that getting a BBL ends up giving you more benefits than only a new butt.

5 Benefits of a Brazilian Butt Lift

How Much Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Cost?

In 2016, the average cost of a butt lift was roughly $4,500, which is about $300 less than a buttocks augmentation using implants. However, prices usually only include the surgeon’s fees. The hospital stay, anesthesia, and aftercare costs will typically increase your bill, so it’s important to account for them.

Unfortunately, your insurance may not cover a BBL because it isn’t medically necessary. Before the procedure, you can talk to your surgeon about different payment options and payment plans if needed. Additionally, you may want to make special arrangements to ensure you can take time off of work and miss other obligations so you have ample time to recover properly.

Like with all services, you may come across options that are much cheaper than other ones you’ve found. While they may seem appealing, they’re often too good to be true. In the case of plastic surgery, a safe procedure that achieves the results you want will have a corresponding price tag. Be sure to conduct proper research before getting a BBL to ensure your surgeon is reputable and board-certified in the United States.

Be sure to conduct proper research before getting a BBL to ensure your surgeon is reputable and board-certified in the United States.

Are You a Good Candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Should you get a Brazilian butt lift? Like with all medical procedures, some patients are better candidates than others. Typically, the best candidates for a Brazilian butt lift fit at least some of the following criteria:

  • They want a butt lift without implants.
  • They’re a nonsmoker.
  • They have a consistent skin tone in the abdomen, hips, thighs and lower back.
  • They’re at a healthy weight.
  • They have adequate fat in the necessary areas.
  • They already lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • They’re able to refrain from sitting on the butt for several weeks following the procedure.
  • They haven’t had any recent complications or infections related to surgeries

If you fit most or all of the traits above, you’re probably a great candidate for a Brazilian butt lift. In any case, be sure to have a consultation with an accredited surgeon before scheduling a BBL. This way, you can discuss any variables that could potentially affect your procedure.

Preparing for a Brazilian Butt Lift

When you begin preparing for your Brazilian butt lift procedure, you may not know where to start. Here’s a straightforward BBL preparation checklist to help get everything in order leading up to your surgery. If you prepare now, you can breeze through the recovery process later.

  • Arrange a driver: Following the surgery, you won’t be able to drive yourself home, as you can’t sit for several weeks. Whether you plan on a family member or to enlist your best friend to drive you home, make sure you have transportation arrangements in place.
  • Enlist a helper: It’ll likely be difficult to move around your home after your BBL. To help you complete daily tasks, ask a friend or family member to stay over for a few days. This way, you’ll have time to acclimate to the recovery process with some assistance.
  • Wear the right clothing: Normally, your surgeon will instruct you on what to wear, as you’ll need to wear clothing you can easily put on and remove. Typically, surgeons want patients to avoid deodorant, hair products, makeup, perfume, jewelry, and lotions before surgery. Additionally, your surgeon may tell you to bathe with antibacterial soap. Ensure you know what they expect of you before the surgery.
  • Prepare food and drinks: Like with most procedures that involve anesthesia, you must avoid consuming any food or drink after midnight the night before surgery. Be sure to follow your surgeon’s instructions so you head into your surgery in the best possible position. Additionally, you may find it helpful to prepare several meals in advance so it’s easier to cook and eat while recovering.
  • Avoid certain medications: There are certain over-the-counter (OTC) mediations that act as blood thinners. Generally, it’s best to avoid them prior to surgery to prevent complications. Again, your doctor will go over the specifics with you, but you should be prepared to stay away from OTC medicines.

In the weeks leading up to your BBL surgery, your surgeon may supply you with other recommendations to help you prepare better — follow them to help ensure your procedure is safe and effective.

Recovering From a Brazilian Butt Lift

After your BBL procedure is done, you’ll head home to recover. At this stage of the process, you may have to make a few lifestyle changes to ensure your surgery heals properly. These are three areas of concern to keep in mind as you heal:

  • Sedentary positions: For a few weeks following surgery, you won’t be able to sit or lie directly on your butt. It helps to have a “booty pillow” to help you relax without putting pressure on your butt or thighs. Sleep only on your side or stomach. At about five or six weeks after your operation, you should consult with your surgeon to see whether you can resume normal sedentary positions.
  • Swelling: Many BBL patients experience swelling for several weeks post-surgery. To help reduce swelling, your surgeon will likely have you wear a compression garment for the first few weeks.
  • Fat cells: Though your body won’t retain all of the fat cells that are transferred over, it’ll begin to replenish them as you recover. By about week six, you should be able to start seeing the results of your BBL on your buttocks.

Within about six weeks, you should be able to resume all normal activities. However, recovery time will vary from patient to patient. Throughout the recovery process, you should expect to meet with your surgeon a few times so they can assess your progress. If you experience any side effects, such as excessive pain, during your recovery, you must tell your surgeon so they can mitigate them.

As previously mentioned, a Brazilian butt lift is a semi-permanent procedure. If you take care of your body during your recovery and following the procedure, you can expect to see lasting results. Note that you may need to have more than one surgery to achieve your desired results.

Schedule a Consultation With Us Today

The Southern Plastic Reconstructive Surgical Institute (SPRSI) provides a number of different surgical cosmetic procedures for patients in and around the Nashville, Tennesee area, including fat transfer and buttocks augmentation. Aside from traditional plastic surgery options, we offer numerous spa services, Botox, and more. No matter what procedure you’re interested in, we can work with you to achieve your desired results.

Dr. Nathan Brought founded SPRSI to provide a high-quality, holistic plastic surgery experience. This means we guide each patient on their personal plastic surgery journey, ensuring you have access to expert advice and services while we decide whether an operation is right for you. Dr. Brought is always available to answer questions and work through concerns.

SPRSI has the experience to ensure a smooth surgery for every qualifying patient. If you’re ready to make a cosmetic change for any reason, SPRSI’s knowledgeable staff is here to help. Please contact us on our website or give us a call at 615.791.9090 to schedule a consultation!

Schedule a Consultation With Us Today


Posted on December 10, 2021 by blogSPRSI | Posted in: Plastic Surgery

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