The Difference Between Liposuction and Tummy Tuck

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could wear the styles you love confidently, with rock-hard abs and a jiggle-free physique? But no matter how much you exercise or how you change your diet, those last pounds just won’t come off. You don’t have to resign yourself to loosely fitted clothes and feeling uncomfortable at the beach. With liposuction and tummy tuck, you can get the firm and trim body you’ve always wanted. Wondering which procedure to choose? Read on and learn the differences between these two procedures so you can choose the option that’s right for you.

The Benefits of Liposuction vs. Tummy Tuck

liposuction-proceduresWhether you need liposuction or a tummy tuck mostly depends on one factor: the amount of loose skin on your belly. Liposuction mainly removes fat — it does not significantly tighten loose skin. Liposuction can stimulate collagen production, and the natural elasticity of skin can compensate for the fat removal, but liposuction can actually exacerbate or worsen the appearance of excess loose skin.  Tummy tuck, on the other hand, removes excess skin and tightens your abdomen. Many people opt to get both procedures at the same time.

Liposuction on its own is much less invasive than tummy tuck, which is major abdominal surgery. Not only is the recovery from liposuction easier and shorter than the recovery time for tummy tuck, but it also means that liposuction and tummy tuck costs are much different. Liposuction costs less money and causes less discomfort. Tummy tuck is more complex and leaves a larger scar which is hidden under the panty line. Tummy tuck also requires full anesthesia and several weeks of rest. Liposuction? Only a few short days or weeks.

Given these factors, why would anyone choose tummy tuck over liposuction? The answer is simple. Tummy tuck, when recommended, performed properly delivers outstanding results — results patients think they’re signing up for when they ask for liposuction. Yet if you desire fat loss without skin tightening, liposuction is likely the procedure for you.

Weight Gain After Liposuction

If you’ve already had liposuction but find you’ve gained weight, there are a few possible causes. The first is that swelling occurred in the areas where your doctor removed your fat. As swelling recedes in the first several weeks after surgery, you may find your weight improves. If you notice weight gain several months after liposuction, the gain is likely fat. This often occurs because patients feel comfortable with their appearance, then stop watching what they eat and forget about exercise.

The best solution to weight gain that occurs well after liposuction is to commit to a regimen of healthy eating and plenty of physical activity. Getting another procedure is generally not recommended, as the likelihood of complications or irregularities increases with each subsequent surgery. That’s why the best candidates for liposuction and tummy tuck are individuals who already maintain a stable weight and live a healthy lifestyle.

Contact SPRSI for More Information

If you live in Nashville or Franklin, Tennessee and are considering liposuction or tummy tuck, make an appointment with Dr. Nathan Brought. Dr. Brought is a board-certified plastic surgeon who can help you decide which procedure is right for you.

For more information about liposuction and tummy tuck, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Brought, call SPRSI at 615-791-9090.




Posted on May 23, 2016 by blogSPRSI | Posted in: Plastic Surgery

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