Why Should Men Consider Liposuction?

Why Should Men Consider Liposuction?

As essential as it is to feel comfortable in your skin, some people don’t. Stubborn, localized fat pockets that do not respond to diet and exercise are a widespread problem for many adults. Liposuction can help you reach your desired results when all other efforts fall short. This minimally invasive surgery is increasingly sought-after among men.

Southern Plastic & Reconstructive Surgical Institute offers a holistic approach to fat removal with various innovative treatments to deliver your desired results.

Understanding Your Body Contouring Options — A Comprehensive Guide to Cosmetic Surgery for Men

Body contouring procedures have been around for decades, though these methods have different success rates and recovery times. For example, abdominoplasty is a major surgery that repairs weakened abdominal muscles and tightens loose skin. Meanwhile, CoolSculpting is a non-surgical treatment that can diminish about 20% of unwanted fat by applying controlled freezing in the appropriate patients.

Liposuction has been around for decades as a technique that permanently removes unwanted fat from a targeted area. It remains the most effective treatment for targeting unwelcome body fat.

How Do Liposuction and Fat Reduction Work?

This minimally invasive procedure requires an anesthetic and involves tiny incisions that leave nearly invisible scars. First, Dr. Nathan Brought will inject medicine-infused fluid into the incision site to ease postsurgery pain, swelling, and bleeding before using a thin tube called a cannula to break up fat cells and suction them out of your body. Finally, he closes the incisions with dissolvable stitches.

Following surgery, dressings protect your incision sites from infection, and a compression garment helps minimize swelling while reducing the risk of postoperative complications.

For a few days after the procedure, some drainage may leak from the incisions, and you might experience pain, swelling, bruising, and discomfort. These effects are normal and should resolve over the coming weeks while you wear the compression garment. The full results of liposuction will become apparent within three to four months.

While liposuction is not a gender-specific procedure, men and women typically struggle with stubborn fat in different areas. With preoperative evaluation and thorough planning, Dr. Brought can tailor liposuction treatments to target fat areas commonly seen in men.

The Advantages of Liposuction for Men

Most men who consider liposuction share similar goals. They are usually fit from following an exercise and nutrition regimen, but struggle with excess fat deposits that conceal their muscle tone. For example, a common condition known as gynecomastia causes men to develop excess breast tissue, which can be frustrating and embarrassing.

Men also tend to store excess fat deposits around their stomachs and hips, creating a “spare tire” look. Liposuction for men can slim down a beer belly and eliminate love handles.

Dr. Brought will customize your body contouring plan to give you a masculine physique.

Tailored Liposuction Techniques for the Male Body

While traditional liposuction procedures often require general anesthetic, which makes surgery take longer, modern liposuction alternatives include liposuction in the office using light oral sedation and pain control.

Dr. Brought uses modern fat removal methods and innovative equipment to tailor your liposuction treatment to your goals. Whether you want to slim down your belly, get rid of love handles, or tone your chest, SPRSI offers personalized treatment plans.

Men’s Health and Liposuction — What You Need to Know Before Surgery

Liposuction is generally a safe and suitable solution for removing unwanted fat. However, you should weigh a few considerations before opting for this procedure.

Who Is a Good Candidate?

Because liposuction is not an obesity treatment or weight loss shortcut, patients considering this procedure should be within 25% of their target weight. Maintaining your target weight for a few months is essential to be a candidate for this surgery. Moreover, you cannot have any ongoing infections or severe medical conditions.

Who Is a Good Candidate?

You will meet with Dr. Brought privately to confirm your liposuction candidacy. During the consultation, Dr. Brought will ask you questions about your health history, help you mentally prepare for the procedure, and define realistic results so that you know what to expect in the long run.

The Road to Liposuction — Pre-Surgical Considerations

Preparing for surgery is essential for a smooth recovery. If you smoke, quit using tobacco, nicotine, and vape products at least 4 weeks before and after liposuction. The same applies to limiting alcohol consumption, as drinking can thin blood and interrupt circulation.

Most liposuction patients take a few days off work to rest, de-stress, and give their bodies time to heal. Though the procedure is minimally invasive, you should arrange for someone to help you around the house during early recovery.

Dr. Brought and his team will provide detailed instructions for a successful liposuction surgery.

Postoperative Recovery and Care

Modern liposuction procedures may require less recovery time, so you’ll be back on your feet soon after surgery. Everyone is different, but many patients can resume light activities within a few days.

During the first few weeks, you must wear a compression garment to manage swelling and support your new contours. Eat a nutritious diet, stay hydrated, rest when you are tired, and avoid strenuous exercise and activities until Dr. Brought clears you.

Long-term liposuction care involves following a healthy diet, exercising, and routine follow-up appointments to track recovery. Complications are rare with liposuction surgery, though blood clots, fat clots, infections, and hematoma are among the risks during recovery. Visiting Dr. Brought for routine follow-ups mitigates these risks and ensures prompt treatment if they occur.

The Role of Liposuction in Men’s Weight Loss Goals

Liposuction can help you reach your weight loss goals by removing unwanted, stubborn fat cells that won’t budge regardless of your fitness routine and healthy eating habits. Liposuction can be the final step to the body you want if you have been losing weight, eating well, and exercising regularly. Regaining your confidence, restoring your self-image, and renewing your motivation to work out and eat a balanced diet are all reasons to pursue liposuction.

Consult Dr. Brought at SPRSI

If you’re feeling frustrated by workouts and dietary changes that don’t yield the results you’re after, consult Dr. Brought at SPRSI.

Dr. Brought is a highly skilled physician performing various liposuction techniques and other plastic surgery procedures in Tennessee. Schedule a consultation to learn more about liposuction and how it can help you achieve your goals.

Consult Dr. Brought at SPRSI

Posted on February 12, 2024 by blogSPRSI | Posted in: Male Plastic Surgery

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