Risk & Benefits of Male Plastic Surgery

risk and benefits of male plastic surgery nashville

For anyone undergoing plastic surgery, there are both upsides and downsides. For men, there are a special set of benefits that range from increased self-esteem to greater physical comfort to quick turnaround. At the same time, risks can range from complications that are more common among males to social stigma.

Of course, many people choose to get cosmetic procedures because they feel it’s worth those risks. Here’s a look at the pros and cons of male cosmetic surgery.

Benefits of Male Plastic Surgery

The No. 1 benefit of plastic surgery is it can be used to gain a happier, more confident you. If a man gets self-conscious about the size of his breasts, he can undergo breast reduction surgery. If a man feels uncomfortable in his clothing because of an extra roll of fat about his belly, he may consider getting liposuction to eliminate it. If a man wants fewer wrinkles to feel more confident on the singles scene, a facelift can help.

Beyond those visible pluses, there are also tangible ones. Plastic surgery can result in physical benefits, such as:

  • Relieving back and neck pain through breast reduction surgery
  • Fixing a deviated septum with rhinoplasty
  • Removing excess, sagging skin left over from massive weight loss through body contouring

By undergoing these procedures, men will feel much more comfortable in their skin. It can be embarrassing or even painful to suffer from such conditions. By embracing plastic surgery, men take control of their health.

Another Advantage of Plastic Surgery

One final benefit of undergoing cosmetic surgery for men is it’s often relatively easy. Many procedures can be done on an outpatient basis. That means less time away from your family or your job. Plastic surgery is a convenient way to improve your circumstances in a matter of days.

Risks of Male Plastic Surgery

No surgery comes without risks. Anytime you get anesthesia or hop onto an operating table, there’s an inherent risk that comes along with that choice. But for men, some of the downside of plastic surgery is psychological. In some quarters, there remains a stigma against men wanting to look their best, reduce excess fat or tame wrinkles. That’s slowly changing, yet some men do worry about perception.

Men also are at a slightly higher risk than women of developing two complications from cosmetic surgeries:

  • Seromas, or pooling of fluid in the body
  • Hematomas, or pooling of blood in the body

Contact Us Today to Discuss the Pros and Cons of Male Plastic Surgery

It’s important to make informed decisions about your health. We encourage you to gather all the information you can about plastic surgery and ask us any questions you might have. We can help clear up any concerns about the risks involved in our procedures. Contact us today to get started.

Posted on January 09, 2017 by blogSPRSI | Posted in: Male Plastic Surgery

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