Plastic Surgery Recovery Information

Every cosmetic surgery patient has specific goals and expectations, but you must do your part to prepare for your chosen procedure — including making time to heal while you follow your surgeon’s postoperative instructions. 

Every surgery is different, but you can typically expect to avoid strenuous activity, care for incision sites, and rest for at least a few days. Depending on what you undergo, your surgeon may also recommend massaging your surgical sites, using cold compresses, wearing sunblock, and taking medications as directed. 

You can strive for the best results possible with accurate plastic surgery recovery information. Working with an experienced surgeon who offers the proper postoperative care and education is essential because they can help you achieve your ideal outcomes.

Common Misconceptions About Plastic Surgery

The following misconceptions about plastic surgery can cause people to neglect the proper aftercare during recovery.

It’s Not “Real” Surgery

Though plastic surgery is elective, it requires just as much aftercare and recovery as medically essential procedures. Many people do not take voluntary procedures seriously, but the appropriate precautions and healing time are critical following reconstructive or cosmetic surgery.

Plastic Surgery Leaves No Scars

All incisions can leave scars. Experienced plastic surgeons take care to make incisions in discreet locations where scarring will be less visible, but you must follow your doctor’s recommendations for the best results. The better you take care of yourself following plastic surgery, the more you can reduce the appearance of scarring.

Plastic Surgery Is Dangerous

Plastic surgery is as safe as other procedures when performed by a board-certified professional. Ensure your surgeon completes a thorough consultation and evaluates your medical history to determine if a specific treatment is safe for you. While any surgery comes with a level of risk, you can expect a safe procedure with desirable results when you follow a reputable surgeon’s advice and take proper care of yourself after surgery.

Importance of Recovery and Aftercare in Plastic Surgery

Recovery and aftercare are essential for reconstructive or cosmetic procedures because of the following benefits.

Preventing Complications

When you take the appropriate time to recover, rest, follow your surgeon’s instructions, and care for yourself, you can prevent potential complications and ensure your body heals properly. 

Ensuring Excellent Results

Recovery and aftercare also help you achieve optimal outcomes following a procedure. An experienced surgeon can deliver your desired results, but you must do your part by adhering to their provided aftercare instructions. Rather than seeing a dramatic instant improvement after a cosmetic or reconstructive procedure, most patients begin to notice a significant difference a few weeks after surgery and proper recovery. Be patient and do not try to rush through the healing process.

Reducing the Appearance of Scars

Your surgeon may recommend rest, elevation, sun protection, or topical creams to reduce the appearance of scars following a procedure. Surgeons use expert techniques to camouflage scarring, but you must also take their advice seriously for the best results.

Recovery Timelines and Aftercare Tips for Popular Plastic Surgeries

A plastic surgeon determines the safest, most beneficial recovery time for you based on your procedure and health condition. However, you can typically expect the following timelines and aftercare recommendations based on your procedure.

Breast Augmentation, Reduction, or Lift

Recovering from a breast augmentationreduction, or lift typically requires a week or two or rest before you can fully resume nonstrenous  daily activities. 

Following a breast procedure, your surgeon dresses your incisions with gauze and provides care instructions to prevent infection. They may also instruct you to wear a surgical support bra for several weeks and recommend massaging techniques to heal the incisions faster, reduce scar tissue growth, and maintain breast flexibility and softness.

You typically can return to work shortly after breast surgery. However, you should take it easy and gradually increase activity levels in the first few weeks after your procedure. Avoid pushing or lifting heavy objects, including small children, and raising your arms higher than 90 degrees for several weeks to prevent strain and potential complications.


Most patients can return to work a few days following liposuction, but you should expect to wait for up to six weeks before returning to more intense physical activity such as aggressive exercise. For a safe recovery and ideal results, your surgeon will instruct you to wear compression garments and show you how to massage surgical areas. Most patients notice full liposuction results three to four months after their procedure.

Eyelid Surgery

You should expect to spend from several days to 2 weeks off work recovering from eyelid surgery, but most patients can return to their regular work activities after seven to 10 days. After this initial downtime, you can return to wearing contacts and makeup if your surgeon approves it. Please avoid activities that could increase your blood pressure, such as intense exercise or lifting heavy objects.

Wind and bright sunlight may irritate your eyes for several weeks after an eyelid procedure, so you should wear sunblock and sunglasses while outside. Prepare yourself for the fact that your eyes may feel dry and irritated, which you can mitigate by using eye drops and avoiding activities that cause eye strain, like reading or watching TV. Plastic surgeons also recommend keeping your head elevated and using cold compresses to reduce swelling and bruising for the first week or up to a month after surgery.

Facelift or Neck Lift

You can typically return home the same day you undergo a facelift or neck lift procedure, though sometimes, your surgeon may require you to stay overnight in the hospital for monitoring. Your surgeon will remove your stitches or staples a week to 10 days after the procedure, and you may notice swelling in the first several weeks of recovery. Maintain a healthy lifestyle, wear sunscreen, and follow a skin care routine to extend your results.

Buttock Augmentation

Full buttock augmentation recovery typically takes six to eight weeks and requires some or all of the following aftercare:

  • Taking prescription or over-the-counter pain management medications
  • Waiting 48 hours after surgery to shower
  • Taking stool softeners for one to two weeks
  • Wearing compression garments
  • Not putting direct pressure on your buttocks for at least four weeks after a Brazilian butt lift
  • Avoiding strenuous exercise or activity for four to eight weeks
  • Waiting two to four weeks to return to work, depending on your ability to follow sitting restrictions at your workplace

Contact SPRSI for Expert Plastic Surgery and Postoperative Care

SPRSI offers compassionate care and a comprehensive menu of cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. Dr. Nathan Brought and his team use a holistic approach, recommending surgical and non-surgical solutions to help you reach the best results based on your condition and medical history. They also provide preoperative and postoperative care to equip you with the tools, resources, and knowledge to recover effectively.

As a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Brought pledges to uphold the highest standards of patient safety and medical ethics. He and his skilled staff provide attentive care. Contact SPRSI to learn more about our available procedures and postoperative support.

Posted on March 13, 2024 by blogSPRSI | Posted in: Plastic Surgery

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