Cosmetic Procedures to Make You Look Younger

As people age, all sorts of factors can make their skin look dull and dry. Fine lines and wrinkles start to show up and can make a person look older than they are. Thankfully, there is a wide array of options to get that youthful look back — everything from skincare products to cosmetic surgery can help. Whether you’re looking for a drastic change with cosmetic surgery for a younger-looking face, or a more subtle result with less-invasive options, there’s a treatment for you.

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What Is Cosmetic Surgery?

Cosmetic surgery uses surgical and other medical techniques to enhance a person’s appearance. These procedures can be performed on any area of the face or body and can improve the symmetry, proportion or general aesthetic appeal of the area treated. Usually, the treatment area functions properly, and the procedure is purely for cosmetic improvement. For this reason, cosmetic surgery is considered to be an elective procedure.

Many people confuse cosmetic surgery with reconstructive surgery, which involves procedures after injuries, surgeries, or other disorders and body defects to restore function. While these two fields are very closely related, they are not quite the same. Depending on the treatment, cosmetic procedures can be performed by plastic surgeons, as well as medical professionals from other fields.

Cosmetic surgery can improve the appearance of just about any part of the body, and going beyond just appearances, can improve a person’s self-esteem and self-confidence too. Cosmetic procedures can bring permanent and drastic changes, helping someone to achieve their desired look and improve their confidence levels.

Cosmetic Procedures to Make You Look Younger

All kinds of factors — stress, genetics, long work hours, too much sun, and more — can affect your appearance. If you’re looking to regain that youthful glow, there are many different types of cosmetic procedures to explore.

  • Facial treatments: A youthful face is what everyone wants. The eye area is one of the first areas of the body to show signs of aging. Wrinkles around the eyes, droopy eyelids, and puffy eyes can all betray an otherwise youthful face. Changes in the eye area also make you look tired or can affect your vision. Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, repositions or removes the fat, skin, and other tissues around the eyes, creating a more youthful look. Another procedure that’s great for reducing the signs of aging is a facelift. Also known as a rhytidectomy, facelifts address sagging, creasing, and loose, wrinkly skin, as well as excess fatty deposits in the skin on the face and neck. Often, several treatments can be combined and performed at the same time, as a convenience to the patient and to maximize results.
  • Body treatments: A trim, contoured body also enhances a youthful appearance, and there are several cosmetic body treatments available. If stubborn fatty deposits are a problem, liposuction can be a great option for removing unwanted fat and contouring the body for a more youthful and trim appearance. Liposuction can be performed on many different areas of the body including the tummy, hips, and thighs, neck and chin, upper arms, buttocks, and knees. There are also many other body treatments that target specific areas of the body, like a tummy tuck, arm lift, or thigh lift. Cosmetic surgery that improves body appearance can greatly improve your self-image. If other options like diet and exercise just aren’t working, cosmetic body treatments can help achieve body image goals and confidence.
  • Skin treatments: A wide variety of both surgical and non-surgical options are available for treating aging skin. Surgical facelifts, eyelid surgery, and other procedures can vastly improve the skin’s appearance. If you’d prefer a non-surgical approach or a more subtle fix, there are a wide variety of injectables, such as Botox and Juvederm, which ease wrinkles and give you a healthy glow. Chemical peels, dermabrasion, and other topical therapies are also used to improve the appearance of the skin and create a more youthful look. Sometimes, just using professional-grade topical skincare products is all that’s needed to reverse the signs of aging.

There are so many different procedures and treatments available from surgical options to skincare routines, that it’s easy to get the look you’ve always wanted. You and your doctor can review the best options for your goals, so you can choose the treatment that’s right for you.

Non-Surgical Options for Younger Looking Skin

For anyone that wants younger-looking skin and a rejuvenated appearance, but would prefer less-invasive solutions, a plethora of choices are available. Surgical treatments aren’t the only way to get smoother, younger-looking skin, and today many non-surgical and spa treatments can help you get the look you want. Most of these services can be completed in-office with quick appointments that feel like fun spa services.

  • Face treatments: Surgery isn’t always needed to completely rejuvenate the face. Botox injections smooth certain types of wrinkles in the face, lessening their appearance and helping to create a more youthful look. Botox is commonly used to treat fine lines around the eyebrows, across the forehead, and in the corners of the eyes. Dermal fillers are another non-surgical option to help your face look more youthful. There are several different types of dermal fillers available, and some are specifically suited for certain areas of the face. These treatments can also be used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, as well as filling in under-eye hollows, plumping up the cheeks, or filling in scars.
  • Spa services: Many spa treatments can give you a youthful look while making you feel pampered. One such treatment is dermaplaning. This treatment is deeply exfoliating, removing dead skin cells, baby hairs, and redness. Dermaplaning can also reduce the appearance of wrinkles and aging. It scrapes away the surface of the skin, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and looking refreshed. Microneedling is another spa treatment that will make the skin look refreshed and young. In this procedure, small needles pierce the skin in order to encourage healing and rejuvenating. Minimal or no discomfort is felt from the tiny needles as they encourage collagen and elastin production, improving the appearance of scars and stretch marks, while creating an overall youthful glow.

How to Look Younger in the Nashville Area

The Southern Plastic & Reconstructive Surgical Institute has a wide variety of spa treatments and services and plastic surgery options to help people in the Nashville area look younger. At SPRSI, Dr. Brought and his team take a holistic approach to your wellness. SPRSI offers compassionate care and consultations that look at the whole person for treatment. To learn more about how the team at SPRSI can help you achieve the healthy, youthful look you’ve always wanted, contact us through our quick and easy online form, or call us at 615-791-9090 today. We’ll set up a consultation to find the best treatments for you.

Posted on December 17, 2019 by blogSPRSI | Posted in: Plastic Surgery, Uncategorized

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